Monday, 7 July 2014

Day 2: Meet the Team!

To give you a break from our site diaries, from time to time we hope to focus on various aspects of the dig. Today we focus on the supervisory team who support Hugh and Pete and do the day-to-day running of the trenches.

Trench N
As he is writing a PhD on medieval hospitals, Martin is in his element in Trench N. Never seen on excavation without his hat, he is also fairly photo shy, so don’t expect to see him in many photos!

Trench P
In charge of Trench P is Claire, who is currently writing her PhD on 17th-century Dutch drinking vessels. As the principal first aider on site, Claire is the go-to girl for all medical emergencies. She also used to collect hubcaps (apparently). 

Trench R
Chris is taking a break from his year out to supervise Trench R but he hopes to do a PhD in medieval and post-medieval distillation in the future. He is particularly keen on a neat trench, so expect the most presentable photographs to be of Trench R. 

Trench S
Trench S is under the tender care of Courtenay, who is currently completing her MA in European Prehistory. However, as she is already finding medieval buildings in Trench S, we are hoping she will be converted to medievalism very shortly!

Trench T
Although her PhD will be on the Carthusians rather than the Augustinians, Francesca is looking forward to uncovering more monastic buildings in Trench T. Engaged to an archaeologist from Wessex, she’s already sorted out her entire wedding which will take place in 2016, so a small trench should be child’s play.

We also have several other supervisors who lend a hand, including Rachel and James. Rachel is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield who is taking a break from the Newark Civil War Project whilst James is offering his invaluable experiences of supervising excavations at MoLA Northampton.

Work today has progressed well and all six trenches are now deturfed. Hopefully all traces of topsoil across the site will have been removed by tomorrow, when we will be able to bring you the latest on-site developments.

Trench S now has some very clean walls
All present and correct in Trench N!