Wednesday, 1 July 2015

1st of July: So today’s challenge brought to us by nature, was the weather. Now normally we complain about the rain and the cold in the UK, but not today, not with the hottest day recorded in the last ten years happening right now!

This however seemed incredibly by the by and everyone on site trooped along happily with their work, and we had a rather productive day!

Lets start with trenches N and P, though they spent most of the day cleaning back, or removing robber fills from the archaeology they still produced some lovely finds in the form of painted window glass.

(Lovely piece of medieval painted window glass)

James and his crew in Trench U were busy uncovering the remains of a post medieval structure (see picture) and found a lead medieval air vent.

(Trench U)

Meanwhile outside of the trenches, Steve found some lovely items while field walking including one delightful decorated metal fixture. We also got some great UAV flying done in this beautiful weather and have some fantastic aerial shots of the Abbey and its surrounding precinct, along with some videos of everyone hard at work, stay tuned for cheesy promo video post!

(UAV photo of the Abbey)